Priority: Highest

Task Name Priority Type Assigned To Status ID
Example task Highest Small task Me In progress 521

Priority: High

Task Name Priority Type Assigned To Status ID
Example task 2 High Minor task Me In progress 524
Something to do High Minor task Will Do In progress 520
•  Notes for this task
•  Another line of notes

And some highlighted text
Something to do 2 High Triviality Will Do In progress 526
Done Example task 3 High Triviality Me Done 527
Done Example task 4 High Triviality Me Done 529

Priority: Medium

Task Name Priority Type Assigned To Status ID
Demo task Medium Major task Will Do Created 523

Priority: Lowest

Task Name Priority Type Assigned To Status ID
Demo task with a bit longer name but not that long :) Lowest Major task (No one) Created 528
Attachment: Example email message.eml
3:57 PM, 3/31/2011
Generated by Swift To-Do List 7 Professional