Swift To-Do List Blog

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What’s New in 7.25: Import Wizard, better Batch Edit, more

We’ve added new Import section to the Swift To-Do List page, with importing guides for Outlook 2010, Outlook 2003/2007, Lotus Notes, and other programs. Check it out!

New Swift To-Do List, version 7.25 is here! This update brings some significant enhancements. You can download it here.

Import Wizard

Universal Import Wizard is the biggest new feature. You can import tasks from Outlook, Lotus Notes, Excel and many other programs, including Task Merlin, VIP Organizer, MyLifeOrganized, and more.

You can even import data from many web-apps including Toodledo and our own web-based application Swift To-Do List Online.

The Import Wizard can import any CSV/TSV/TXT file (comma separated, tab separated, plain text). Because many applications support export to CSV, it is now possible to easily import data from them into your Swift To-Do List.

You can find the Import wizard under File – Import Wizard:

Import Wizard

The Import Wizard has just 4 steps:

  1. In the first step, you select the file to be imported.
  2. In the second step, you can configure the file format – which is usually not needed.
  3. In the third step, you specify what fields to import (also usually not needed).
  4. In the final step, you select the target to-do list, where the imported tasks will be placed.

Because you can import multiple files into one Swift To-Do List database, you effectively merge data from multiple organizers into a single Swift To-Do List database.

Some screenshots of the Import Wizard:

Import Wizard in Swift To-Do List

Improved Batch Edit – New Item

The Batch Edit for Priority, Type, Context, Status and Assigned To has just gotten a big upgrade. You do not have to select only from existing items, but you can choose to create a new Priority/Type/Context/(…). It looks like this:

Improved batch edit in Swift To-Do List

Improved Batch Edit for due date and start date

Batch editing of due dates and start dates has now improved “Quick Dates” feature. The window can be expanded/collapsed, and 9 presets are presented:

Improved batch edit of due dates and start dates in Swift To-Do List

Notes “Export To File” feature improved

When you are exporting notes to a file, the default file name will be the name of the task that the notes belong to. A little time-saver.

Faster mouse wheel scrolling, immediate closing of reminder window

Another little time saver. When you scroll the task-view using mouse wheel, it will scroll 3x faster now (but not too fast, don’t worry!). The speed is now comparable to scrolling speed in Windows Explorer, so all is good and jolly. The old version has scrolled only by a single task on each mouse wheel step, which required a bit of patience if you had a long task list.

Reminder window is now closing immediately.

Some small fixes

There were some rare issues reported by our users, so we’ve taken care of them. We love our users and we listen to them. But you know that already, don’t you?

Online synchronization underway

We are still working on the online synchronization as much as we can. The first beta is coming soon.

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Swift To-Do List 11

The ultimate to-do list and notes software for Windows.

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