Swift To-Do List Blog

How to get organized, how to be productive, Swift To-Do List tips and tricks

Include fun and rewarding tasks in your to-do lists

Life is just one of long stream of tasks. That makes it even more important to do more things you love doing. If you are not doing things you love, your life is silently fading away. But you can change it!

Start a new project – “Happy Me”!

The goal of this project is to make you happy.

What are the things that you’ve always wanted to do but never got to do them? Surely there must be a way how to make some of these things happen!

Once you discover some fun things that you want to do, assign them yourself just like any other task. You can create an extra task type in Swift To-Do List program for these tasks, named “Fun” or “Happy {your first name}”.

Huge benefit is that if your to-do list has mixed dull and fun tasks, it will overall look much more optimistic and fun. In fact, your overall productivity can skyrocket!

After all, why are you doing all the boring tasks? Probably to earn a living and security – essentially, these are things that make you feel good. So why not take a shortcut sometimes?

Do more things for yourself.

Productivity boost is a hidden benefit

Have you ever woken up and felt like you really, really, really do not want to do any tasks today?

Well, if you kick-start your day with appetizer fun-tasks, it might just switch you into the task accomplishment mode and you will continue working on other tasks! Try it and see how it works for you.

You can also specify a reward/fun task for each of your hard tasks. Simply specify the reward in the task notes. This will make hard tasks much more appealing. You can even start by finishing the reward/fun tasks first. Once you enjoy the reward, you simply have to finish the hard task, don’t you? :-)

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Portable To-Do List Program Guide

Swift To-Do List can be deployed to USB flash-drive as a portable to-do list program. This allows you carry it with you and to run it from any computer. You can then work with your tasks just like on your main computer, and copy the changes back.

How to deploy Swift To-Do List to USB

  1. Plug your USB flash drive into your computer
  2. Start Swift To-Do List 7 and use File – Deploy to USB Flash Drive
  3. Select your USB flash drive in the opened dialog and click OK

This will copy the todo program to your USB drive along with all your tasks, notes and settings. (You can specify the target drive, of course)

How to copy the database from USB flash-drive back to your PC

If you use the portable version somewhere and change your tasks, you will probably want to copy the changes back to your main computer. This is how you can do it:

  1. Exit Swift To-Do List 7 using File – Exit if it’s running
  2. Plug your USB flash drive into your computer
  3. Copy your database file (with .stdl extension) from your flash drive back to your computer using Windows Explorer or other file manager.

    (Or alternatively: Start Swift To-Do List 7 from your USB flash drive, and use File – Copy (Backup) Database to copy the database back to your computer, then exit the todo program.)
  4. (You can now unplug the USB flash-drive)
  5. Start Swift To-Do List on your computer and open the database you’ve just copied to your computer file using File – Open – Browse (Ctrl + O). When asked if you want to make the database default, click Yes

How to update Swift To-Do List 7 already deployed on your USB flash-drive

Updating the program on the flash drive is easy. There are two main reasons for updating it: To update the database, or to deploy a new version of the program with new features and fixes.

If you want to copy the database from your PC to USB Flash Drive where the program is already deployed:

  1. Start Swift To-Do List 7 on your PC if it’s not already running
  2. Plug your USB flash drive into your computer if it’s not already plugged in
  3. Use File – Deploy to USB Flash Drive in Swift To-Do List 7
  4. Select your USB flash drive in the opened dialog and click OK
  5. You will be asked if you want to overwrite your settings – select Yes
  6. You will be asked if you want to overwrite your database – select Yes

If you want to only update the todo list program (= the exe file and other components, but not your settings and database), simply answer No to both questions.

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