Swift To-Do List Blog

How to get organized, how to be productive, Swift To-Do List tips and tricks

How to fully focus on task at hand

We all occasionally want to finish some important task, yet are unable to fully focus on it due to various reasons. This post will give you some tips.

Why is it hard to focus

There are usually two main reasons why is it hard to focus: Suboptimal system of organizing your work, and distractions. Organizing your work is a breeze with our to-do list program. Distractions are whole another chapter.

Two ways of overcoming distractions

Are you spending too much time on Facebook or surfing the web? There is still hope! Basically, you can do two things about distractions: Eliminate them, or distract yourself from them :-). Let me explain – if you fully focus on something else, then the distractions can’t distract you anymore.

How to fully focus

The best way to fully focus on one important task (or multiple tasks – a short task list) is to print or write the task on a sheet of paper and place it in front of you. That way, whatever you do, you will always end up looking at the paper, which will make you remember that you have important task/tasks to do. Having something physical to remind you increases the urgency and seriousness – you simply can’t close the paper like a window on your computer screen. It stays there until you finish the task.

As an added bonus, the feeling of accomplishment is also far greater. Enjoy tearing the paper to little pieces when the task is done :-)

Swift To-Do List enables you to print just a single task (or multiple tasks), including notes and all important information about the task. Simply right-click the task, and select Print or Export Task(s)…:

Print or export task to fully focus on

When you print the task, you will literally transform it into a task at hand.

When all else fails, post a physical note directly to your computer screen. Why? There is no avoiding it. Even digital desktop sticky notes can be easily avoided, but not this one.

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Swift To-Do List 11

The ultimate to-do list and notes software for Windows.

How to export your task list to Excel

Like every proper task list manager should, Swift To-Do List allows you to not just print your tasks and notes, but also to export them, either to HTML or CSV (comma delimited format). Excel can work with CSV files – you can simply open the exported CSV file using Excel.

This short guide will tell you how to export your tasks into Excel step-by-step:

Step 1: Open the Print or Export dialog

Simply click the Print or Export button in the main toolbar, or use File – Print or Export.

If you want to export only one task, or a couple of particular tasks, you can select the tasks in the task-view, right click them, and click Print or Export Task(s)…. This is possible in version 7.065 released on August 7, 2010 or higher.

Step 2: Click the Export button

You can now configure the columns that you want to include in the export, grouping, sort, filtering and other options. Please note that some options, like “Colors”, “Borders”, “Wide Tables” (and other) apply only for export to HTML or printing.

When you are satisfied with the export options, click the Export button.

Export tasks into HTML, or CSV (Excel)

Step 3: Select CSV file type in the Export Tasks dialog

Dialog for saving the export output will be opened. All you have to do is to select CSV in the “Save as type” dropdown, and then save your export.

Step 4: Open the CSV file in Excel

This is quite easy – just start Excel, go to the Open file dialog, set the filter to All files and open your freshly exported CSV file. Excel should be able to handle it without any problems.

There are many programs that can work with CSV files, including OpenOffice Calc and other spreadsheet software.

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Swift To-Do List 11

The ultimate to-do list and notes software for Windows.