Swift To-Do List Blog

How to get organized, how to be productive, Swift To-Do List tips and tricks

What is stress?

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or demotivated, you might like to know why. It is not always clear. You might blame some particular project or thing that has happened in your life, but the underlying cause is much simpler:


Worries, tasks, details that must be remembered – all these cause stress – but only when they are stored in the wrong place: your head. It is extremely hard to remember and organize everything only using your head. You need to use another approach.

How to resolve stress?

It’s simple: Put the stuff from your head somewhere else! For example, you can put it into our task and notes management application “Swift To-Do List”. It has been designed especially to help you get organized easily and quickly. You need to write task lists, take notes, and organize them nicely. Swift To-Do List allows you to use 144 different icons that make organizing fun.

When you move the the stuff out of your head into your computer, you will free your mental resources. You will be able to focus. You will be able to work, and more importantly, enjoy your work again. Do it today.

If your computer can remember it instead of you, it should!

You can learn more about the benefits of writing things down in a previous post “How to upgrade your brain“.

Writing things down also does wonders when you are struggling with procrastination.

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Swift To-Do List 11

The ultimate to-do list and notes software for Windows.

Complete notes shortcuts (hotkeys) overview

Notes shortcuts and hotkeys overview

Swift To-Do List 7 is a great notes management tool and is equipped with many useful notes shortcuts. This is a thorough overview of all notes shortcuts and hotkeys that you can use.

These hotkeys work in all notes panels: In the main Swift To-Do List window, in the Add/Edit task dialog, in reminders, and of course also in memos.

Please note that not every action has a hotkey assigned (eg. “Remove Formatting” or “Clear Notes” actions must be used via toolbar):

Notes advanced menu (import, export, print, remove formatting, clear notes)

Insert date, time, separator hotkeys

  • Control + D – Insert date and time
  • Control + G – Insert date
  • Control + Q – Insert time
  • Control + J – Insert separator

The “Insert date” hotkeys work in other text fields as well, for example, you can use them when editing Task Name or To-Do List Name.

Formatting and font style hotkeys

  • Control + B – Toggle Bold
  • Control + I – Toggle Italic
  • Control + U – Toggle Underline
  • Control + K – Toggle Strike through
  • Control + N – Toggle Bullet style
  • Control + Shift + L – Switch bullet style. You can use this to create numbered lists.
  • Control + ‘+’ – Toggle Superscript
  • Control + ‘=’ – Toggle Subscript
  • Control + Shift + > – Increase font size
  • Control + Shift + < – Decrease font size
  • Control + Alt + H – Toggle Highlight (yellow color)
  • Control + Alt + K – Hyperlink
  • Tab or Control + Tab – Indent text. The behavior of Tab key in notes can be configured in Options.
  • Ctrl + Shift + A – Capitalize all selected letters (set all caps)

Clipboard and find hotkeys

  • Control + C – Copy
  • Control + X – Cut
  • Control + V – Paste
  • Control + Alt + V – Paste as plain text – very useful hotkey
  • Control + F – Find/replace
  • F3 – Find next

Editing, selection and navigation hotkeys

  • Control + Z – Undo
  • Control + Y – Redo
  • Control + A – Select All
  • Control + Backspace – Delete previous word
  • Control + Left Arrow – Move cursor one word to the left
  • Control + Right Arrow – Move cursor one word to the right
  • Control + Shift + Left Arrow – Select word to the left
  • Control + Shift + Right Arrow – Select word to the right
  • Control + Home – Move to the beginning
  • Control + End – Move to the end

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Swift To-Do List 11

The ultimate to-do list and notes software for Windows.