Swift To-Do List Blog

How to get organized, how to be productive, Swift To-Do List tips and tricks

Keeping logs and simple records on your computer

Our task list management software can not only help you to manage all your tasks and reminders, but also all kinds of notes, including logs. Log a simple text list where each item can have a timestamp.

I personally use Swift To-Do List to organize not just all my tasks and to-do lists, but also:

  • All my goals (for current month and year)
  • Predictions for the next year (this can be quite fun!)
  • Logs of books I’ve read
  • Logs of shows I’ve seen
  • List of interesting and inspiring quotes
  • List of things I’ve borrowed and that I owe to someone
  • List of things and activities I would like to try
  • List of places I want to visit
  • And most importantly, my thoughts (in a form of simple journal)
  • (And lots of other things, but that’s a story for another time ;-))

How to create and manage a simple log?

It is quite simple. You can either create a dedicated memo for your log, or place it in notes of one of your tasks – for example, if you have a task “Read 10 books about marketing”, you could maintain the list of books you’ve already read in the task’s notes.

Having a stand-alone memo works best for most logs, though. This is a screenshot of simple book log managed in Swift To-Do List:

Keeping log of read books in Swift To-Do List

Creating log step by step

  1. Create a new memo in the to-do list tree (learn more about memos)
  2. Write a header for your new memo and increase its font size (optional)
  3. If you want the log to have multiple sections, make a few new lines, then insert a separator (Ctrl+J), write a header for that section, make a new line and insert another separator.
  4. Now you can start adding records!
  5. To create a record, simply make a new line, insert date stamp (eg. using Ctrl+D) and write the record (eg. the name of the book that you’ve just read).

Some useful notes hotkeys:
Ctrl+D – insert time and date, Ctrl+G – insert date only, Ctrl+Q – insert time only.

You could also use bulleted list that Swift To-Do List supports, but the bullets are not very useful in this case, as every line is a different record anyway.


As you can see, Swift To-Do List is very versatile, and can be used to manage list of various things, including logs (lists with timestamps). Similar approach could be used for simple journaling. I will write more about that in one of the future posts.

There are many kinds of lists – and logs are one of them. I hope that this post has inspired you to create more lists, because lists are great tool not just for living organized life, but also for retaining information and knowledge.

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How to copy tasks in and out of Swift To-Do List

Did you know that you can use clipboard (Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V) to copy tasks in and out of Swift To-Do List? It couldn’t be simpler.

How to copy tasks out of Swift To-Do List

Simply select some task(s) in Swift To-Do List, press Ctrl + C (or use Edit – Copy), and they will be copied to clipboard. Now you can paste them anywhere.

If you paste them outside the task management software, they will be pasted as a list of task names, one per line.

If you paste them back in Swift To-Do List (eg. in a different to-do list, or even the same one), they will be pasted as exact copies, retaining all fields, notes, attachments, reminders, recurrence, etc. Just the Creation Date and Change Date will be set to current date.

Copy tasks in and out of the to-do list program

How to paste tasks into Swift To-Do List

You can either paste a single line of text into our task organizer, or multiple lines.

When pasting a single line in the task-view, Add Task dialog will be opened with task name prefilled with the text in clipboard. This also gives you the chance to edit the task fields and enter additional details.

However, when pasting multiple lines (eg. task list), Add Multiple Tasks dialog will be opened. You can edit the individual lines to make sure that only tasks that you want will be added. When you press OK, you can right click the freshly added tasks and use Batch Edit to specify the details of the tasks.

Batch edit tasks

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