Swift To-Do List Blog

How to get organized, how to be productive, Swift To-Do List tips and tricks

10 Benefits Of Being Organized: From Chaos To Freedom

This is a motivational post. The simple truth is that being organized can bring you more time, money, success and happiness. We happen to have a great organizer to help you to get organized in no time.

Getting organized with Swift To-Do List 7 is really easy, and has many benefits:

1. You will upgrade your brain to version 2.0

If you take all the work-related stuff and to-do’s from your head and place them in Swift To-Do List 7, a wonderful thing happens – suddenly, your mind has 100% resources available and 100% focus just for the current task at hand.

2. You will advance in your career faster

Stop wasting time on tasks with zero impact and go straight to the juicy, meaty stuff that really matters and that can move you forward in your career. This is possible only when you are organized using a great task list manager like Swift To-Do List 7 that allows you to prioritize your tasks.

3. You can double or triple your productivity

With less time and mental resources wasted, you will have more time for the important stuff. The real game changer comes from your upgraded brain though – if you can finally fully focus and always know what to do next, you can double your productivity easily. If you are unorganized or stressed, you are much less productive than you think.

4. You will be more motivated

Success brings motivation. It is so much easier to achieve success when you are organized! In fact, work can sometimes feel like fun.

5. You will have more time

It’s really simple: If you are more productive, you get more done, and you have more time.

6. You will have more money

We all know that time is money. But success brings you money too. This can be a really significant benefit.

7. You will eliminate any possible stress

With all your tasks and notes in one place, safely stored in reliable task list management software like Swift To-Do List 7, there is nothing to worry about. You can even use inbuilt reminders and recurrent tasks to make sure that you will never forget anything again. Liberate yourself from clutter and stress.

8. You will reach your full potential

If you get organized, you can achieve much more than if you are limiting yourself by being disorganized.

9. You will be able to achieve your goals more easily

All the benefits work together and give you more power to do what you truly want, and that is the real freedom.

10. You will love your work and life

How can you NOT love your life when you are successful, happy and without stress?

With the right attitude, Swift To-Do List 7 can literally change your life. I personally use it myself every day not just to run and manage our whole business, but to take control of my own life.

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Swift To-Do List 11

The ultimate to-do list and notes software for Windows.

How to create a recurring task and extra tips

One of the new features in Swift To-Do List 7 is support for recurring tasks.

What is a recurring task?

Recurring task is a task that is repeated. It needs to be completed multiple times. Swift To-Do List 7 supports tasks that need to be done daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc. It even supports complex patterns like “Every second Sunday every three months”.

The great thing about Swift To-Do List recurrence feature is that you can choose what happens when the task recurs. It can be either just marked as undone, or it can be duplicated (copied). Swift To-Do List can also automatically remind you that the task has just recurred.

Creating a sample recurring task

Example task: You need to feed your panda every Friday, otherwise it would get very grumpy and eat your bamboo furniture. And we don’t want that, do we? Swift To-Do List can automatically mark your task “Feed the panda” as undone every week and remind you of it.

This is how to do it:

1. Click the “Add Task” button. Or, if you want to make a task that already exists recurrent, you can simply edit the task.

2. Go to the “Recurrence” tab:

Task recurrence feature in Swift To-Do List

3. Select “Weekly” in the drop-down: (or any other pattern)

Task recurrence feature in Swift To-Do List - pattern configuration

4. Configure the recurrence pattern and optionally select an action: Everything else is optional, eg. you can select recurrence time at the top-right corner. You can leave Starting date set to today. Ending date is usually not needed.

Task recurrence feature in Swift To-Do List - action configuration

5. Press OK and you are all set!

More recurrence options, you ask?

Some additional recurrence options that apply to all recurring tasks can be configured in the Options dialog, in the Recurrence tab. For example, Swift To-Do List can automatically clear Percent Done and Time Spent fields when a task recurs, or automatically set its Start Date and Due Date, and more.

You can display a Recurrence column in your task-view that shows the date of the next task recurrence. Use Manage – Columns to display it.

The Recurrence column looks like this:

Recurrence column in task-view

We will talk about more advanced recurrence features in one of the future posts.

What is planned for the future

These are our planned recurrence enhancements for the future 7.xx versions:

  1. Recurrence preview: Ability to see the next 10+ dates of the task recurrence before the task actually recurs
  2. Recurrence after completion: New recurrence pattern (=Recur task X days after completion)
  3. Hourly recurrence: New recurrence pattern

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Swift To-Do List 11

The ultimate to-do list and notes software for Windows.