Swift To-Do List Blog

How to get organized, how to be productive, Swift To-Do List tips and tricks

How to use 4-Quadrants Time Management using your own custom priorities

Maybe you’ve heard about Stephen Covey’s four quadrants time management system, first published in his book First Things First (1994). The system allows you to divide your tasks into 4 categories that enable you to identify the really important tasks.

I’ve always liked this system, but not everyone knows it or wants to use it. That’s why we have decided to make the priorities fully customizable in Swift To-Do List 7 – now you can use Swift To-Do List with any time management / prioritizing system you want. You can easily turn it into 4-quadrants task management software and this post will show you how.

Swift To-Do List 7 Manage Priorities

Create your own custom priorities in Swift To-Do List 7

Using the 4-quadrants system with Swift To-Do List 7 is very easy. Click the Manage menu and then Priorities…. Here you can customize all your priorities. Simply rename the default priorities to:

  1. Urgent and important
  2. Urgent and not important
  3. Not urgent and important
  4. Not urgent and not important

(You can delete the rest of priorities). Now, all you have to do is to set the correct priorities to your tasks and always try to do as much of the important tasks as possible.

Tip – you can also use some coding for the priorities to make them shorter, like I-U (as = Important & Urgent), I-NU (Important & Not Urgent), NI-U, NI-NU, etc. Use your imagination.

Stephen Coveys 4-Quadrants Time Management Software

Using Stephen Covey's 4-Quadrants Time Management technique with Swift To-Do List 7, the number one task management software for Windows

When you fully develop this habit, you will become much more efficient. Stephen Covery further expands on this in his another book Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People.

But hey, you can even invent your own prioritizing system. We are all unqiue, so perhaps you already have an idea what might help you to be more productive.

You can choose your own colors for your priorities – or you don’t have to use colors at all. Creating custom priorities can be fun, and Swift To-Do List 7 gives you the power to do just that.

This is how the Add Task dialog will look like after you edit the priorities:

Add Task with 4-Quadrants time management

Add Task dialog with 4-Quadrants priorities

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Swift To-Do List 11

The ultimate to-do list and notes software for Windows.

Welcome to new Dextronet!

This is the first post on our brand new blog, on our brand new website, with our brand new product Swift To-Do List 7 released.

Whoa, slow down! New website, new Swift To-Do List, new blog?

Many things have changed in the past year. We’ve decided to take things to the next level.

The development of Swift To-Do List 7 took much longer than anticipated, but you can hopefully see that the wait has been worth it. I will talk more about that in one of the following posts.

I want to apologize to everyone who expected the new major version sooner. All next releases will be coming quickly. This one took so long because we’ve basically rewritten the whole program from scratch, and we couldn’t settle for any compromises. See what’s new in Swift To-Do List 7.

We simply love creating software that you will love to use. We wouldn’t feel good about selling half-baked products.

About this blog

This blog will mostly contain posts from me (Jiri Novotny – Dextronet.com founder and chief Swift To-Do List developer). I would like to blog at least 2-3 times a week. I’m going to blog about all the following things and more:

  • Swift To-Do List tips & tricks
  • Productivity
  • Being organized, GTD, task management
  • Goal achievment
  • Personal development

Subscribe to this blog today so you don’t miss all the Swift To-Do List tips and tricks – you won’t find them anywhere else. Did you know that there are some hidden features in Swift To-Do List? I will tell you about them soon.

And hey, I think that we’re going to have fun together – this blog will be all but boring. I will keep the posts short and sweet.

Feel free to post comments – whatever comes to your mind!

Our plans for the near future

The current plan is simple: New releases of Swift To-Do List with additional new and exciting features. And let me tell you, we will never stop improving Swift To-Do List!

Plans for the next year include new Team edition of Swift To-Do List and new version of Swift To-Do List Online. You can also expect some completely new products, and new major versions of our old products.

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Swift To-Do List 11

The ultimate to-do list and notes software for Windows.