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Email Template

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When you are sending a task via email, the email message is pre-filled with a text based on the email template.


By default, the email template contains information from all the used columns/fields (excluding the fields that the task doesn't have set), and it also contains the task notes (in plain text format). You can edit the template by clicking "Edit Template..." in the Email Task window.


When editing the template, you can use many keywords that are replaced by an actual information about the task that is being emailed. You will find a list of the supported keywords below. You can also of course use any static text that will be included unchanged in the messages.


Before you send each email, you can manually edit the pre-filled message based on the email template, so you don't have to worry about making the email template perfect.


The List Of Supported Keywords

There is a keyword for every column that Swift To-Do List supports, and as a rule of thumb, it doesn't matter how you write it, eg. both [Creation Date] and [creationdate] are fine. The columns that are not supported are the Flags column, and the Notes Preview column.


Several different variations exist for every keyword, but for simplicity, this table lists only one variation for each keyword. All keywords are enclosed in square brackets.


The most useful keyword is [summary]. The [summary] keyword contains information from every column that you use. It automatically excludes the columns for which the task has no value set.



Replaced by:


The multi-line summary of the task that includes every visible column.

[is done]

"done" if the task is completed, otherwise "not done".


"checked" if the task is completed, otherwise "unchecked".


The name of the person you are sending the email to. If you are emailing the task to multiple persons, then this will contain the names of all the persons..

[my name]

The "From" name that you've set in Email Settings window.

[task name]

The name of the task.


The task notes in a plain-text format.

[assigned to]

Assigned To field.

[change date]

Change Date field.

[completion date]

Completion Date field.


Context field.

[creation date]

Creation Date field.

[due date]

Due Date field.

[percent done]

Percent Done field.


Priority field.


Information about the task recurrence.


Information about the next task reminder.

[start date]

Start Date field.


Status field.

[task id]

Task ID.

[time estimate]

Time Estimate field.

[time spent]

Time Spent field.

[time left]

Time Left field.


The name of the to-do list the task is in.

[todolist full]

The full path and name of the to-do list the task is in.


Type field.