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Hotkeys & Shortcuts

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Learning the keyboard hotkeys and shortcuts can greatly increase your productivity, but it is not necessary in order to use Swift To-Do List 8. There are always multiple ways of accomplishing most of the operations.


If you are interested in becoming more efficient with Swift To-Do List 8, we recommend you to print this topic out.


Tip: Swift To-Do List is mouse-wheel aware in most numeric and date boxes, so you can often use mouse-wheel to set dates or numbers. This applies especially in the Add/Edit Task Window: eg. when setting Due Date, reminder date and time, Time Estimate or Percent Done (Professional edition only) and so on.


In this topic


Global hotkeys

Swift To-Do List has three global hotkeys that can be configured in Options. By default, they are:


Control + Alt + S - The global hotkey to show/hide Swift To-Do List 8
Control + Alt + A - The global hotkey to add a new task
Control + Shift + A - The global hotkey to add a new task based on the currently selected text in the current application. If you press this hotkey, Swift To-Do List 8 will emulate the press of Ctrl+C to copy the currently selected text to clipboard, then open the Add Task window and insert the text from clipboard as the task name. This way, it works with all applications. For example, you can just select some text in an email, press Ctrl + Shift + A and Swift To-Do List  will create a task from that text. The only downside of this hotkey is that your clipboard content will get overwritten by the selected text.


By default, tasks created via global hotkey are added to the current to-do list. But you can also specify this list in File - Options - Hotkeys. This way, you can create an Inbox dedicated to tasks added via global hotkeys.



Main window hotkeys

Most of general shortcuts are shown upon menu items. There are also some additional shortcuts. The most useful ones are:


Escape - Hide Swift To-Do List to the system tray or minimize (you can configure this in Options)


Control + T - Add task
Control + M - Add subtask
Control + H - Add multiple tasks
Control + ` - Add multiple subtasks (the ` key is usually located left to the "1" key which is above the "Q" key)
Control + R - Add to-do list
Control + L - Add sub to-do list


Control + F1 - Switch view mode to 'Selected To-Do List'
Control + F2 - Switch view mode to 'Selected To-Do List + Sub-Lists'
Control + F3 - Switch view mode to 'All To-Do Lists'

(You can combine the three above hotkeys with Alt key. That will result in the same actions, but filter will be additionally turned off.)


Control + F5 - Deactivate current filter and reset view mode


Control + Tab - View next to-do list
Control + Shift + Tab - View previous to-do list


Alt + Shift + Up - View previous task
Alt + Shift + Down - View next task


Alt + S - Switch focus to notes area (if shown and enabled)
Alt + A - Switch focus to task-view area
Alt + L - switch focus to the tree (mnemonic tip: The tree is on the left, so that's why the hotkey has the "L" letter in it.)


Task-view hotkeys

These hotkeys apply only when the task-view is selected. Let's begin with the keyboard hotkeys:


Control + Enter - Add task
Control + Alt + Enter - Add multiple tasks
Enter or F2 - Edit task, if the task-view is empty, Add task
Spacebar - Set selected task(s) done/undone
Alt + Up or Alt + Down - Move task(s) up or down
Alt + Left or Alt + Right - Move task(s) left or right. By moving tasks right, you can turn them into subtasks.
Delete - Delete task
Control + Plus - Increase task(s) priority
Control + Minus - Decrease task(s) priority
Control + ] - Increase percent done by 10% (Professional edition only)
Control + [ - Decrease percent done by 10% (Professional edition only)
Control + C - Copy the selected task(s) to clipboard
Control + X - Cut the selected task(s)
Control + V - Paste tasks
Control + A - Select all tasks
Backspace - Go to parent to-do list (if any) of the selected to-do list


Following shortcuts are for collapsing/expanding tasks with subtasks. These keys are on the numeric keypad area. You can also use right/left arrow keys to expand/collapse a selected task.


+ Expand selected tasks
-  Collapse selected tasks
* Fully expand selected tasks
/  Fully collapse selected tasks
Shift +  Expand all shown tasks
Shift -  Collapse all shown tasks
Shift * Fully expand all shown tasks
Shift /  Fully collapse all shown tasks


There are also some very useful mouse shortcuts:


Alt + Click (anywhere in task-view) - Add task
Control + Alt + Click (anywhere in task-view) - Add multiple tasks
Double click - Edit task
Double click on empty space below tasks - Add task


Tree panel hotkeys

Tree panel hotkeys apply only when the to-do list tree panel is focused (e.g. you click into it).


Control + Enter - Add new sub to-do list
Control + Alt + Enter - Add new to-do list after the selected to-do list
Enter or F2 - Edit the selected to-do list
Alt + Up or Alt + Down - Move selected to-do list up or down
Alt + Left or Alt + Right - Move selected to-do list left or right
Control + Up or Control + Down - Move selected to-do list up or down
Control + C - Copy the selected to-do list to clipboard
Control + X - Cut the selected to-do list
Control + V - Paste to-do list as a sub-list
Alt + Control + V - Paste to-do list as a root to-do list


Hotkeys for collapsing and expanding items:


+ Expand selected tree item
-  Collapse selected tree item
* Fully expand selected tree item (all levels)
/  Fully collapse selected tree item (all levels)
Shift +  Expand all tree items
Shift -  Collapse all tree items
Shift * Fully expand all tree items
Shift /  Fully collapse all tree items


And mouse shortcuts:


Alt + Click on a to-do list - Add new to-do list under it
Alt + Click in an empty space - Add new root to-do list
Alt + Control + Click on a to-do list - Add new task into it
Control + Click on a to-do list - Select the list and switch view mode to "Selected To-Do List". This way, you can quickly view just a single to-do list.


Doubleclick on a to-do list - Edit to-do list
Doubleclick on an empty space below to-do lists - Add to-do list



Notes panel hotkeys

These hotkeys work in all notes panels and also in memos. The date/time hotkeys also work in Task Name in Add/Edit task dialog and other text fields.


Control + D - Insert date and time
Control + G - Insert date
Control + J - Insert separator
Control + B - Bold
Control + I - Italic
Control + U - Underline
Control + K - Strike through
Control + N - Bullet list
Control + Shift + N - Numbered list
Control + Alt + R - Remove formatting from selection
Control + Shift + > - Increase font size
Control + Shift + < - Decrease font size
Control + Shift + L - Switch bullet style
Control + Alt + H - Highlight
Tab or Control + Tab - Indent text. The behavior of Tab key in notes can be configured in Options.
Control + C - Copy
Control + X - Cut
Control + V - Paste
Control + Z - Undo
Control + Y - Redo
Control + A - Select All
Control + F - Find/replace
Control + 1 - Single line spacing
Control + 2 - Double line spacing
Control + 5 - 1.5x (one and a half) line spacing
Control + Alt + R - Remove formatting from selection (useful after importing or pasting formatted text)


And one bonus hotkey:

Control + S - Save current notes changes (applies to notes panel in the Main window only). You do not need to use this. Notes changes are saved automatically when you leave notes, but this will save them immediately and add the changes to the undo history.


Reminder window hotkeys

These hotkeys and shortcuts work in the reminder window. Reminder window is displayed when a reminder or recurrence notification is triggered. Each reminder has its own tab. Some of these hotkeys apply only when multiple reminders are shown at once.


Control + W - Close current tab
Control + F4 - Close current tab
Middle mouse button click on a tab - Close tab
Control + Tab - Next tab
Control + Shift + Tab - Previous tab


Add/Edit task window hotkeys

These hotkeys and shortcuts work in the Add Task and Edit Task windows.


Control + Tab - Next tab
Control + Shift + Tab - Previous tab
Alt + T - Go to Task tab
Alt + R - Go to Reminder tab
Alt + N - Go to Notes tab
Alt + A - Go to Attachments tab
Alt + C - Go to Recurrence tab
Control + Enter - OK (especially useful in Notes tab)
Control + Alt + Enter - OK and add another task (works in Add Task dialog only)