Portable Organizer
Swift To-Do List can be deployed to USB flash-drive as a portable task and notes organizer. This allows you to carry it with you and to run it from any computer.
Always have Swift To-Do List with you, on your thumb-drive. All it takes is a couple of clicks - plug the flash-drive in, start Swift To-Do List, and use File - Deploy to USB Flash Drive...

We've written a short portability guide about updating the program and task database on the USB drive once it is deployed.
Download Swift To-Do List
The free 30-day trial version is fully functional.
I fully agree that your software is beautiful. I saw this from the first moment and I have not changed my opinion since.
Most people see their life concentrated around their agenda. I prefer an organization around goals and tasks. Your Swift To-Do List support precisely that.
I like the tree structure.
Peter D, Netherlands