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Welcome to Swift To-Do List 8

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Swift To-Do List 8 is a to-do list software for Windows which allows you to easily manage your tasks, to-do lists, notes, reminders and much, much more! Thousands of happy users around the whole world use Swift To-Do List 8 every day, and we are confident that you will quickly see why they've fallen in love with it.


Unlike similar products, it is very powerful and easy to use, which makes using it a unique and pleasant experience.


You can read more about what is Swift To-Do List. You can also review the complete list of features.


How do I start?

You can start with the short Quick Start tutorial. If you want to read more afterwards, we recommend you to read the Basics chapter and then the rest of this help file.


After reading the Quick Start guide and using the program for a couple of times, you might discover that the program is very straight-forward and easy to understand - the learning curve is minimal, so there might be little need to study further. The Hotkeys topic is the most useful for more advanced users.


Actually, we encourage you to explore the program yourself and try all the features that interest you. Because Swift To-Do List 8 has a great undo/redo feature, it is very easy to undo any mistake. Have fun while exploring it!