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What's New In v8.0

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Version 8 brings multiple new incredible features, which can dramatically improve the way you work and organize your life.


We've put an enormous amount of effort and innovation into version 8, and we are both very excited and very pleased with the final result.


Of all the new features, 2 features are available only in the Ultimate edition (column renaming and task numbering), and 3 features are available only in Professional (and Ultimate) editions (subtasks, hide Until field, and automatic archiving of done tasks).


If you are currently using the Home edition, you will also enjoy dozens of exciting improvements by upgrading to version 8. When you are upgrading to version 8, you can also optionally upgrade to Professional or Ultimate edition at the same time to unlock the extra 5 incredible features, such as subtasks.


Major new features and improvements

New Ultimate-only features:

Renaming of columns/fields: Re-purpose any field, such as Type, Context or Start Date to something different. For example, rename the "Start Date" to "Shipment Date" or "Last Contacted Date". Or, rename the "Context" field to "Client". This is the ultimate customization - all up to you!

Item numbering for to-do lists and lists. Task names can be now automatically prefixed with a number, e.g. "1. First task", "2. Second task", etc. This gives you a better sense of how much work is left.


New Professional and Ultimate features:

Subtasks enable you to break down intimidating complex tasks into easily manageable chunks and plan your work better. Subtasks can dramatically boost your productivity, and reduce procrastination. The following screenshot shows subtasks combined with item numbering:


Hide Until field enables you to hide tasks until a specified date. It's a "mega-snooze" for your tasks. This allows you to keep your lists short and sweet. Hide things that you don't have to worry about for now.


Automatic archiving of done tasks after a specified number of days (or even immediately). Keep your lists clean.


New features added to all editions:

List, a new type of tree item beside to-do lists and memos. Lists are perfect for all non-task items. Items in Lists don't have checkboxes, are not included in the "Tasks to be done" infopanel statistics, and can be easily hidden by filters. Very useful for all non-actionable items, such as inventories, collections, recipes, ideas, references, and anything else that is not a task, and that you want to keep separate from tasks. This makes Swift To-Do List the ultimate organizer for Windows!
Tasks can be now reordered in all view modes. Before, it was possible to reorder tasks only when viewing a single to-do list.
Reminders are preserved until you dismiss them, so you won't lose the opened reminders by exiting the program or rebooting your computer anymore.
Filters can optionally change the view mode when set, so you can create a filter that immediately displays all tasks, then filters them.
In notes and memos, hyperlinks to tree items (to-do lists, memos, lists) can be created in the text.
You can now use alphabetic sorting of the tree.
New "Attachments" Options section, which allows you to customize many aspects of attachments, including what happens when you add a new attachment (Embed into Swift To-Do List database? Create shortcut? Ask me?)
Multiple optimizations which significantly speed up Swift To-Do List and reduce RAM consumption.


Minor new features and improvements

Improved look and feel of all menus and toolbars, new beautiful loading screen.
New "Days Left" column which displays the number of days until Due Date.
Tree toolbar has move right and move left buttons added, which allow you to easily manipulate to-do lists, memos and lists.
A target to-do list can be specified for tasks added via global hotkeys, so you can easily setup an "inbox".
The filters allow you to always filter for done/undone tasks, even when the Status field is enabled.
You can Ctrl+Click a tree item to switch to it and set view mode to "Selected To-Do List" at the same time. That way, you can quickly view just that one list if your view mode is set to All Lists etc.
The window "Swift To-Do List is doing maintenance of your database" that was displayed when exiting the program is no longer displayed, unless you are running the portable version.
When searching for tasks by typing (e.g. pressing "a" to find the first task that begins with "a"), you can now press the key repeatedly to cycle through all such tasks in the task-view.
Improved Import Wizard now displays the original imported value as well, and correctly imports reminders.
F2 key starts in-place editing in the task-view, and no longer opens the Edit Task window.
Since version 7, you can Shift + Click a column header to add it to the sort. This way, you can sort by multiple columns (e.g. first by Priority, then by Due Date). Version 8 now also supports Ctrl + Click on a column header, which allows you to add and remove columns from the sort.


Other, smaller new features and improvements

You can specify telephone number or a custom note for Contacts in the Manage Contacts window.
Default Time Estimate for tasks can be set in Options - New Tasks.
The Add Multiple Tasks window allows you to specify the target to-do list (Oh, and it also allows you to add subtasks. Create whole outlines using tabs or the "-" symbol).
Support of pasting email address attachments in the format of "Full Name" <>.
When opening email address attachment, the name is included as well (previously, only the address was used).
Find Tasks window remembers the last used filter.
When setting Time Estimate or Time Spent, you can enter the time in formats without spaces, e.g. 5h12m instead of 5h 12m.
Double-clicking on time tracker window will hide it to system tray.
Many other small improvements and fixes.


What's coming next in the 8.xx line?

Well, A LOT of things. We are just getting started!


All the 8.xx updates will be free for all version 8 customers. And there will be many updates, with lots of new features and improvements.


This means: If you purchase version 8, you will be getting a TON of great extra features and improvements for a long, long time - all for free.


The upcoming new stuff might include:

Finished and polished synchronization and collaboration features, as well as companion mobile and web apps.
Ability to create entirely custom columns (as many as you need!).
A full-blown scheduling calendar.
More types of tree objects, such as spreadsheets or journals (logs).
Tables for notes.
Beautiful skins, which will enable you to choose a theme for Swift To-Do List interface if you desire so.
More tree icons.


And many other things. This is just a few ideas - in the end, we might do something else. But one thing is sure: We plan to delight you!


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Purchasing upgrade to Swift To-Do List 8

To purchase upgrade to version 8, please refer to the appropriate upgrade guide:

Upgrading from Swift To-Do List 7
Upgrading from Swift To-Do List 6